What is 100 Women of Blount County?

Our Mission is to encourage women’s involvement in making a significant difference in our Blount County community.  We will meet 4 times yearly for one hour to hear from 3 local nonprofits each meeting, and each member will give $100 at each meeting to the chosen nonprofit.  When 100 women come together to do that, then we have $10,000 donated quarterly and $40,000 donated yearly.No money is given directly to 100 Women of Blount County.  All donations are given directly to the chosen nonprofit nonprofit.

How do I join 100 Women of Blount County?

Please complete our membership commitment here.  Membership is on the honor system, and there will be no follow up to see if you have given as requested. You are welcome to attend meetings without being a member to find out more about how we make a difference in the Blount County community!

Which nonprofits are allowed to be sponsored?

In order to be nominated for consideration, the nonprofit must serve women and/or children in Blount County and hold 501(c)(3) IRS tax status. Nonprofits must have the ability to receive donations directly from our members through check, cash, and online portal/credit card. Regional or national nonprofits that have local affiliates that serve Blount County will be eligible for nomination if all of the funds given will be used in Blount County.

Is my contribution tax deductible?

Yes, your contribution is tax deductible if made payable to a 501(c) (3) nonprofit. All donations are made directly to the local nonprofit, NOT to 100 Women of Blount County. Please contact your tax advisor or visit the IRS Website for further information. 100 Women of Blount County will NOT keep or provide a donation receipt since your donation is made directly to a local winning nonprofit, not 100 Women of Blount County.

How is 100 Women of Blount County structured?

100 Women of Blount County is a community-focused group of women. Our leadership team is composed of seven Blount County community volunteers. No funds are given directly to 100 Women of Blount County.

What if I cannot attend a meeting?  

• You can send in a blank, signed check written out for $100 with 100 WWC on the memo line with a trusted friend to the   meeting. The friend will write in the name of the charity that is chosen on the check and give it to the organizers on your   behalf. There are no proxy votes allowed - members cannot vote unless they are present.  
• You  can make your donation to the winning nonprofit through the nonprofit’s online donation portal.
• Note:  All donations are given directly to the winning nonprofit. No member of the 100 Women of Blount County leadership   team nor 100 Women of Blount County as a whole is responsible for making your donation for you.

How long do the meetings last?

Meetings are intended to be very short, generally lasting approximately 1 hour.  However, you may come to the meeting early in order to spend some time socializing and getting to know other members. 

The general structure will be:

5:15 PM-  Doors open, refreshments and drinks available (tickets may be purchased for wine)
Attendees will receive handouts explaining voting process, voting links, and additional info

5:30 PM- Welcome and explanation of process

5:40 PM- First nonprofit presents

5:45 PM- Q&A by membership for first nonprofit

5:50 PM- Second nonprofit presents

5:55 PM- Q&A by membership for second nonprofit

6:00 PM- Third nonprofit presents

6:05 PM- Q&A by membership for third nonprofit

6:10 AM- Review of voting process & votes are cast

6:20 PM- Announcement of winning nonprofit and collection of donated fundsInformation about upcoming meetings

6:30 PM- Adjournment and networking if you wish!

Can I bring a friend to the meeting?

Of course you can! However, in order to vote she will need to sign a Commitment Form and become a member before voting at the meeting.